多倫多加中攝影學會 (名為加中攝影研究會創立於一九七六年,於一九八四年註冊為非牟利團體,同時正式定名為多倫多加中攝影學會會員都是為興趣而參加,不問學歷,政治和宗教信仰,宗旨是聯絡各地對攝影有興趣的人士,共同推進及研究攝影藝術,促進多元文化交流,并參與和攝影藝術有關,及對社會有貢獻的各種活動

本會經常舉辦各類攝影活動,例如專題攝影講座、攝影研討會,外影活動等,每年設有名銜考試,每季設有攝影比賽,并支持會友參加本國屬會和聯會的攝影賽事,更鼓勵會員衝出加國,擴闊視野,參加國際沙龍攝影大賽,本會會員,在此項賽事中成績彪炳,至2022年止,全加拿大只有十一位中外攝影家,獲頒 GMPSA (Grand Master PSA) 名銜,而本會卻佔有六位。在這我們現有 Fellowship 或同等資歷的會員,超過三十名以上!


The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society of Toronto (CCPST加中攝影學會) was founded in Canada’s largest city – Toronto – in 1976 as a non-profit organization.

Over the last 46 cherished years, it has made itself one of the best and contributive photographic organizations in Canada. Among its 150 members, six are Grandmasters (GMPSA) of the Photographic Society of America (PSA), the highest honour awarded by the world-wide organization, which has 5,000 members and 460 camera clubs across the United States. In Canada, there are only nine GMPSA recipients. Also, over 30 CCPST members are “Fellows” of different photographic organizations worldwide.

CCPST has been active in the photographic scene in Canada and abroad. It has organized many photo exhibitions, including the annual Asian Heritage Month photographic exhibition at Toronto City Hall, the “Magnificent Markham” photographic contest with winning entries displayed in Nanhai District of Guangdong Province, the “Hong Kong – 50 Years Under the Lion Rock” exhibition, the “Connect & Excel – Past, Present & Future” photographic exhibition, and recently the “Transformative Chic – Everlasting Cheongsam” exhibition in Toronto and Vancouver. It has also featured some top Hong Kong photographers, including Dr Leo Wong, Kan Hing-fook, Lin Dung-leung and P.G. Chang, in its exhibitions.

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